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Comentarios (4)

Jennie - 13 Octubre 23:38

Puerto del rosario/cita por llamada normal/DISCRECION /fotos reales. cita y info SOLO por llamada normal!!! mi video por whatsapp . frances natural ha

Elba - 2 Marzo 17:51

Notificarme los nuevos comentarios por correo electrónico. Recibir nuevas entradas por email.

Markita - 24 Octubre 04:03

As your channel has to this point been about education, acceptance, and exploration, this video seems out of place. For one it uses the term racism which is in the present day a term to denote hate and confronts rather than invites an individual to explore an idea or concept. Secondly, the data you used is targeted upon tendencies within western or white populations without consideration of the results of studies among other demographics, which may show comparable results.

Dion - 9 Augusto 19:05

Also, on the Identity video, I think it was so popular because of the honesty Nick approached it with it was non-judgmental (which gave people permission to really look at themselves), and him opening up provided a great intimacy to the community.

Lavanchy - 1 Febrero 10:52

I specifically remember seeing a lady falling down on a parking lot from inside my car. I did hesitate, so the barrier was still there for me, but I got up eventually (after about 3-5 seconds). By the time I opened my seatbelt, someone else had arrived to help. :)

Stephani - 19 Abril 05:59

This woman knows how to open her kjegs.

Luella - 29 Augusto 05:07

Fantastic more

Thaddeus - 19 Augusto 04:58

Can you maybe do a video about asexuality? i feel like not very many people even know the term, much less what it means.just an idea :)

Rebeca. Edad: 19
Laia. Edad: 27
Luisa. Edad: 23